subota, 4. lipnja 2016.

How can I cope with stress at school?

Do you feel that your parents just do not understand under what you stress at school? If they complain, you might say that you can be happy you do not have to repay the loan, feed the family or endure a demanding boss. But you probably think you're in school under the same, if not more pressure than your parents.
I'm already way to school and back home can be stressful. For example Tara from the United States has stated: "The school bus often Fights broke out. The driver would then stopped the bus, we all had to get out and in the end we usually delayed for at least half an hour."

And that is when you come to school? Are there less stressed? Probably not. Maybe you feel about something like this:

  • Stressed by Professor

-My teachers want me to be an excellent student, and to get the best grades. I have a feeling that I have to meet their expectations and that makes me very burdened.

-Professors put pressure on students to achieve a better performance in school, especially if you notice that someone is gifted.

-Even if you have valuable goals in life, some teachers know about you cause a sense of inferiority if you do not aspire to higher education and the goals that they consider more valuable.

  • Stressed by peers

-In high school, everyone feels free and rebellious they are. If you're not like that they think you're not cool.

-Every day at school offered me alcohol and sex. Sometimes it's really hard to resist such temptations.

-I have 12 years and a maximum of me burden we all are expecting that someone out. At school we all speak! When will you ever find a boyfriend? "

Four proposals to reduce stress

  • Identify causes - smart man sees the evil and get away.
  • Explore at
  • Do not delay - problems usually do not disappear if before them closing the eyes.
  • Get help - even the strongest weight lifter has his limits. And you've got them, too. But you are not carrying their load, seek help from their parents or other mature people.
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Does it make sense to continue to fight?

Some young people are so desperate to believe that they no longer have to live for. You may feel like a 16-year-old Laura, who said: "For several years now I'm struggling with depression, which we regularly occurs. I often think about killing myself." Maybe you know someone who told you that he wants to take a life or maybe I think about it, if so, what can you do? Why have existed such dark thoughts?

Why are they so desperate?
Why would anyone thinking about taking her own life? There are a number of reasons. First, we live in a "particularly difficult time" and many young people is not easy to cope with life's pressures, moreover because of human imperfection maybe some very negative view themselves and the world they live. In some cases, the reason for the assault, and sometimes it works and about a health problem. For example, in one country, according to some estimates, more than 90 percent of people who committed suicide were suffering from some mental illness.

Young people who want to give up the fight feel utterly helpless and hopeless. They do not hang out of the situation they are in. These young people do not really want to die. They just want to relieve the pain.
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srijeda, 1. lipnja 2016.

Do I know about smoking all you should know?

What could you tell if someone offers you a cigarette? It will often be enough to briefly but firmly answer: "Thank you do not smoke!" And if someone persistently offered a cigarette or you mock it, keep in mind that no one can force you to smoke - the decision is yours. In that case, could say:

I do not want to smoke because they know that smoking is dangerous to health.
hard to be able to accomplish everything he wanted in life because of smoking if I do not have what to breathe.
Why do we heap on something I do not want? Everyone has the right to make its own decisions about your life!
However, if such young people that we mentioned in the introduction to you I feel the urge to smoke, you'll probably be much more difficult to resist the temptation. In this case seek to suppress this desire by thinking about the following questions:

Will we actually provide smoking pleasure? For example, if I decide to smoke just to accept me peers, will I really be able to fit between them if you do not have hardly any common interests? I want you even hang out with those who encouraged me to you ruining your health?
How much will it cost if you take smoking into account that I will lose money and health, and respect for people who care about me?

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