I do not want to smoke because they know that smoking is dangerous to health.
hard to be able to accomplish everything he wanted in life because of smoking if I do not have what to breathe.
Why do we heap on something I do not want? Everyone has the right to make its own decisions about your life!
However, if such young people that we mentioned in the introduction to you I feel the urge to smoke, you'll probably be much more difficult to resist the temptation. In this case seek to suppress this desire by thinking about the following questions:
Will we actually provide smoking pleasure? For example, if I decide to smoke just to accept me peers, will I really be able to fit between them if you do not have hardly any common interests? I want you even hang out with those who encouraged me to you ruining your health?
How much will it cost if you take smoking into account that I will lose money and health, and respect for people who care about me?