subota, 4. lipnja 2016.

Does it make sense to continue to fight?

Some young people are so desperate to believe that they no longer have to live for. You may feel like a 16-year-old Laura, who said: "For several years now I'm struggling with depression, which we regularly occurs. I often think about killing myself." Maybe you know someone who told you that he wants to take a life or maybe I think about it, if so, what can you do? Why have existed such dark thoughts?

Why are they so desperate?
Why would anyone thinking about taking her own life? There are a number of reasons. First, we live in a "particularly difficult time" and many young people is not easy to cope with life's pressures, moreover because of human imperfection maybe some very negative view themselves and the world they live. In some cases, the reason for the assault, and sometimes it works and about a health problem. For example, in one country, according to some estimates, more than 90 percent of people who committed suicide were suffering from some mental illness.

Young people who want to give up the fight feel utterly helpless and hopeless. They do not hang out of the situation they are in. These young people do not really want to die. They just want to relieve the pain.

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